Made Windu Antara Kesiman, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (PTI) (S1)PNS - Aktif

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Made Windu Antara Kesiman
Computer Science Universite De La Rochelle - Indonesia
Informatika Universite De LA Rochelle - Prancis
Mata kuliah yang diampu
Pemrograman Dasar; Algoritma dan Struktur Data; Desain Analisis Algoritma; Pengolahan Citra Digital
Email Dosen
Status Sertifikasi

PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN Informasi mengenai data penelitian dan pengabdian dosen Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.



Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Dendi Maysanjaya. 2023. "Document Validation for Cooperation Agreement Documents at The Undiksha Cooperation and Public Relations Agency (Badan Kerja Sama dan Kehumasan) using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and YOLOv5 Methods ". Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika: JANAPATI. PRODI PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK INFORMATIKA, FTK, UNDIKSHA. Vol.12,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Gede Sunarya. 2023. "DETEKSI PERSAMAAN POLA GERAKAN PADA KOREOGRAFI TARI BALI". Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK). Universitas Brawijaya. Vol.10,

Maysanjaya, I Made Dendi dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2023. "Pendekatan Berbasis U-Net untuk Segmentasi Hard Exudate dalam Citra Fundus Retina". INSERT: Information System And Emerging Technology Journal. PRODI SISTEM INFORMASI, FTK, UNDIKSHA. Vol.4,

Sunarya, I Made Gede dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2023. "Image Logo Retrieval Pada Dokumen Kerjasama Dengan Metode Sift Descriptor Studi Kasus Bkk Undiksha". KARMAPATI (Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika). Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Vol.12,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Kadek Yota Ernanda Aryanto. 2022. "Evaluasi Usability Pada Aplikasi Immersive Story Telling Satua I Belog". Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik Informasi Dan Komputer). Politeknik Bisnis Indonesia. Vol.5,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Gede Sunarya. 2022. "Recognition of Balinese Traditional Ornament Carving Images with Convolutional Neural Network and Discrete Wavelet Transform". Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer Dan Informatika (JITEKI). Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Vol.8,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Komang Setemen. 2022. "Analisis Keberterimaan Pengguna Taring Dukcapil Menggunakan Metode Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Delone & Mclean dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)". Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK). Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Malang. Vol.9,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Gede Sunarya. 2022. "The Influence of Word Vectorization for Kawi Language to Indonesian Language Neural Machine Translation". The Journal Of Information Technology And Computer Science (JITeCS). Faculty of Computer Science, University of Brawijaya (UB). Vol.7,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Gede Sunarya. 2022. "Detecting the Same Pattern in Choreography Balinese Dance Using Convolutional Neural Network and Analysis Suffix Tree". Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer Dan Informatika (JITEKI). Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Vol.8,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Gede Sunarya. 2022. "Perancangan Mesin Translasi berbasis Neural dari Bahasa Kawi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan Microframework Flask". JURNAL SISTEM DAN INFORMATIKA (JSI). Direktorat Penelitian, Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Perpustakaan Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) STIKOM Bali. Vol.16,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna. 2022. "Pengembangan Game Cerita Rakyat Bali Berbasis Desktop “Calon Arang (The Darkness of Dirah)”". KARMAPATI (Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika). PTI, Undiksha. Vol.11,

Darmawiguna, I Gede Mahendra dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2022. "PENGEMBANGAN GAME RPG 2D LEGENDA DESA TRUNYAN". INSERT: Information System And Emerging Technology Journal. Sistem Informasi, Undiksha. Vol.2,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. 2021. "A Scheme Towards Automatic Word Indexation System for Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscripts". Journal Of ICT Research And Applications (JICTRA). Institut Teknologi Bandung. Vol.15,

Sindu, I Gede Partha dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2021. "IMPLEMENTASI MODULAR RIGGING RIGIFY DALAM PENGEMBANGAN FILM ANIMASI 3D TUDE THE SERIES-GOTONG ROYONG MEMBUAT KERAJINAN TANGAN". Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika. Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Jurusan Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik dan Kejuruan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Vol.10,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. 2021. " \r\nAKSALont: Aplikasi Transliterasi Aksara Lontar Bali dengan LSTM Model ". Jurnal Teknologi Dan Sistem Komputer (JTSiskom). Universitas Diponegoro. Vol.9,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, dkk. 2021. "Revealing the Characteristics of Balinese Dance Maestros by Analyzing Silhouette Sequence Patterns Using Bag of Visual Movement with HoG and SIFT Features". Journal Of ICT Research And Applications (JICTRA). Institut Teknologi Bandung. Vol.15,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, Gede Aditra Pradnyana dan I Made Dendi Maysanjaya. 2021. "IDENTIFIKASI CITRA UKIRAN ORNAMEN TRADISIONAL BALI DENGAN METODE MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON". SINTECH (Science And Information Technology) Journal. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. Vol.4,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Gede Aris Gunadi. 2021. "Frequency Band and PCA Feature Comparison for EEG Signal Classification". Lontar Komputer: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi. Institute for Research and Community Services, Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia. Vol.12,

Sindu, I Gede Partha dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2020. "Pengembangan Film Animasi 2D Riwayat Hidup Mr. I Gusti Ketut Pudja". Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika. Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Jurusan Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik dan Kejuruan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Vol.9,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. 2020. "Pengembangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Prioritas Pemberian Bantuan Bimtek Kepada Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM) dengan Metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)". SINTECH Journal. The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. Vol.3,

Santyadiputra, Gede Saindra dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2020. "PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN BANDWIDTH MENGGUNAKAN METODE HIERARCHICAL TOKEN BUCKET PADA LAYANAN HOTSPOT MIKROTIK UNDIKSHA". Journal Of Computer Engineering, System And Science. Universitas Negeri Medan. Vol.5,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. 2018. "Benchmarking of Document Image Analysis Tasks for Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Southeast Asia". J. Imaging 2018, 4, 43. Special Issue Document Image Processing.. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Vol.4,

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. 2018. "Knowledge Representation and Phonological Rules for the Automatic Transliteration of Balinese Script on Palm Leaf Manuscript". Computacion Y Sistemas, 21(4), January 2018.. Centro de Investigacion en Computacion (CIC) del Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN). Vol.21(4),

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. 2016. "Southeast Asian palm leaf manuscript images: a review of handwritten text line segmentation methods and new challenges". J. Electron. Imaging. 26 (2016) 11011.. SPIE Digital Library. Vol.26(1),

Purnami, Ida Ayu Putu, I Made Gede Sunarya dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2015. "Segmentasi Citra Tulisan Tangan Aksara Bali Berbasis Proyeksi Vertikal dan Horisontal". JIFO . UAD yogyakarta.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. 2013. "The Implementation of Hypertext-based Learning Media for a Local Cultural Based Learning". Journal Of Information Technology Education: Innovations In Practice. Informing Science Institute. Vol.,


Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, I Made Gede Sunarya dan I Gusti Ayu Agung Diatri Indradewi. "Classification of Balinese Herbal Plant Leaf Using Convolutional Neural Network". Institut Teknologi Bandung. International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory, and Applications 2023. 2023-10-07.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, I Made Gede Sunarya dan I Gusti Ayu Agung Diatri Indradewi. "Identification of Leaf Diseases of Medicinal Plants using K-Nearest Neighbor Based on Color, Texture, and Shape Features". Institut Teknologi Bandung. International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory, and Applications 2023. 2023-10-07.

Sunarya, I Made Gede, Made Windu Antara Kesiman dan Gede Arna Jude Saskara. "PENGELOLAAN REFERENSI OTOMATIS DAN ANTIPLAGIARISME PADA PENYUSUNAN DOKUMEN KARYA ILMIAH DI INSTITUT AGAMA KRISTEN NEGERI KUPANG". Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Senadimas) ke-8. 2023-09-28.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, Ketut Agus Seputra dan I Gede Made Surya Bumi Pracasitaram. "PELATIHAN PENULISAN ARTIKEL ILMIAH INTERNASIONAL DI INSTITUT AGAMA KRISTEN NEGERI KUPANG". Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (SENADIMAS) ke 8 Tahun 2023. 2023-09-28.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Dendi Maysanjaya. "Benchmarking A New Dataset for Coffee Bean Defects Classification Based on SNI 01-2907-2008". IEEE. 2023 International Conference on Information Technology Research and Innovation (ICITRI). 2023-08-16.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna. "Balinese Carving Ornaments Classification Using InceptionResnetV2 Architecture". IEEE. International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM) 2022. 2022-11-22.

Maysanjaya, I Made Dendi, Made Windu Antara Kesiman dan I Gusti Ayu Agung Diatri Indradewi. "Optic Disc and Exudates Segmentation on Retinal Fundus Images Using Mask R-CNN". IEEE. 2022 International Conference on Information Technology Research and Innovation (ICITRI). 2022-11-10.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, I Made Gede Sunarya dan I Made Dendi Maysanjaya. "Extraction of ROI of Graphical Attributes on the Image of the Document of Cooperation". IEEE. 2022 International Conference on Information Technology Research and Innovation (ICITRI). 2022-11-10.

Maysanjaya, I Made Dendi dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. "Optic Disc Segmentation Based on Mask R-CNN in Retinal Fundus Images". IEEE. 2022 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (IBIOMED). 2022-10-18.

Andiani, Nyoman Dini, dkk. "PENDAMPINGAN PENGKEMASAN SOUVENIR DESA WISATA PANJI \r\nBERBASIS KERAJINAN LOKAL\r\n". Undiksha Press . Senadimas. 2022-09-29.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "Studi Awal Perangkat dan Metode Pengolahan Citra Digital untuk Identifikasi Bentuk dan Ukuran Biji Kopi". Undiksha Press. Seminar Nasional Riset Inovatif ke-8 (SENARI). 2022-09-16.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna. "Benchmarking a New Dataset of Traditional Balinese Carving Ornaments for Image Classification Task". EAI. The 4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology (IConVET) 2021. 2021-11-27.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. "Development of Mobile Based Application for Balinese Lontar Image Transliteration". Atlantis Press. The 4th International Conference on Innovative Research across Disciplines (ICIRAD) 2021. 2021-11-02.

Maysanjaya, I Made Dendi, Made Windu Antara Kesiman dan Gede Saindra Santyadiputra. "Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Realitas Virtual Untuk Ikatan Guru Indonesia Kabupaten Buleleng". Undiksha Press. Senadimas 2021. 2021-09-16.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, Gede Saindra Santyadiputra dan I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna. "PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MICROLEARNING UNTUK IKATAN GURU INDONESIA KABUPATEN BULELENG". Undiksha Press. Senadimas 2021. 2021-09-16.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, dkk. "Profiling Balinese Dances with Silhouette Sequence Pattern Analysis". IEEE. IEEE 2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and Intelligent Multimedia. 2020-11-17.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Kadek Yota Ernanda Aryanto. "Detection of DoS Attacks Using Naive Bayes Method Based on Internet of Things (IoT)". IOP . The 3rd International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology. 2020-11-07.

Maysanjaya, I Made Dendi, Made Windu Antara Kesiman dan I Made Putrama. "Evaluation of contrast enhancement methods on finger vein NIR images". Institute of Physics (IoP) (Journal of Physics: Conference Series). The 3rd International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology (IConVET) 2020. 2020-11-07.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Dendi Maysanjaya. "A Model for Post Transliteration Suggestion for Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscript with Text Generation and LSTM Model". Institute of Physics (IoP) (Journal of Physics: Conference Series). The 3rd International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology (IConVET) 2020. 2020-11-07.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara, Gede Aditra Pradnyana dan I Made Dendi Maysanjaya. "Balinese Glyph Recognition with Gabor Filters". Intitute of Physics (IOP) Conference Series. The 2nd International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology (IConVET) 2019. 2019-11-01.

Putrama, I Made, dkk. "Developing Jobsheet for Basic Programming Based on Performance Assessment". Intitute of Physics (IOP) Conference Series. 2nd International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology. 2019-11-01.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. "A Complete Scheme of Word Spotting System for the Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscripts". IEEE. The 11th Int. Conf. On Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE). 2019-10-10.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. "Image Patch Extraction in Text Area of Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscripts with Gabor Filters". Atlantis Press. 3rd International Conference on Innovative Research across Disciplines (ICIRAD 2019). 2019-09-20.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "Word Recognition for the Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscripts". IEEE. IEEE Int. Conf. On Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence. 2019-08-22.

Darmawiguna, I Gede Mahendra dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. "3D Digitalization of Besakih Architectural Heritage: Documentation and Preservation". IOP Publishing. 1st International Conference on Advance and Scientific Innovation. 2019-06-26.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "". Seminar Nasional Welcome Informatika. 2018-11-18.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "". The 1st International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology IConVET 2018. 2018-11-03.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "". Seminar on Ancient Manuscript Digitization and Indexation. 2018-08-28.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "Training Schemes for the Transliteration of the Balinese Script into the Latin Script on Palm Leaf Manuscript Images". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 16th Int. Conf. Front. Handwrit. Recognit. 2018, Niagara Falls, USA, 2018. 2018-08-05.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "ICFHR2018 Competition On Document Image Analysis Tasks for Southeast Asian Palm Leaf Manuscripts". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 16th Int. Conf. Front. Handwrit. Recognit. 2018, Niagara Falls, USA, 2018. 2018-08-05.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "A Complete Scheme of Spatially Categorized Glyph Recognition for the Transliteration of Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscripts". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). 2017-11-09.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "Study on feature extraction methods for character recognition of Balinese script on palm leaf manuscript images". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). 2016-12-04.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "ICFHR2016 Competition on the Analysis of Handwritten Text in Images of Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscripts". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2016 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR). 2016-10-23.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "AMADI_LontarSet: The First Handwritten Balinese Palm Leaf Manuscripts Dataset". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2016 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR). 2016-10-23.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "A New Scheme for Text Line and Character Segmentation from Gray Scale Images of Palm Leaf Manuscript". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2016 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR). 2016-10-23.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "An analysis of ground truth binarized image variability of palm leaf manuscripts". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2015 International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA). 2015-11-10.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "An initial study on the construction of ground truth binarized images of ancient palm leaf manuscripts". IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2015 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). 2015-08-23.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "The AR Book Project : Collection of Augmented Reality Application of Balinese Artistic and Cultural Objects". Multimedia. Kultur und Informatik : Reality and Virtuality. 2014-05-22.

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara. "Segmentasi Area Teks Aksara Bali pada Citra Lontar Kuno Bali berdasarkan Peta Nilai Lacunarity". Jurusan Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Islam Indonesia. Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi 2013. 2013-06-15.




Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna. 2023. "Studi Dasar Pengenal Pola Citra Ukiran Ornamen Tradisional Bali (Tahun 3)".

Indradewi, I Gusti Ayu Agung Diatri dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2022. "Ekstraksi Fitur Citra Daun pada Identifikasi Tumbuhan Herbal".

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna. 2022. "Studi Dasar Pengenal Pola Citra Ukiran Ornamen Tradisional Bali (Tahun 2)".


Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. 2021. "Sistem Word Spotting untuk Indeksasi Koleksi Citra Digital Lontar Bali (Tahun 3)".

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna. 2021. "Studi Dasar Pengenal Pola Citra Ukiran Ornamen Tradisional Bali".

Maysanjaya, I Made Dendi, Made Windu Antara Kesiman dan I Gusti Ayu Agung Diatri Indradewi. 2021. "DETEKSI OPTIC DISC DAN EXUDATES PADA CITRA FUNDUS RETINA UNTUK KASUS DIABETIC RETINOPATHY".

Sunarya, I Made Gede, dkk. 2021. "Segmentasi Objek Pada Citra Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Wilayah Pesisir Berbasis Deep Learning".

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Gede Sunarya. 2021. "MODEL AWAL UNTUK PENCIPTAAN TARI BALI BERBASIS KOMPUTER".

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan I Made Dendi Maysanjaya. 2020. "Penerapan Text Generation dengan LSTM Model untuk Post-OCR-Transliteration Correction pada Lontar Bali".

Maysanjaya, I Made Dendi, Made Windu Antara Kesiman dan I Made Putrama. 2020. "Segmentasi Pola Finger Vein Pada Near-Infrared (NIR) Vein Imaging".


Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. 2020. "Sistem Word Spotting untuk Indeksasi Koleksi Citra Digital Lontar Bali (Tahun 2)".

Putrama, I Made, Made Windu Antara Kesiman dan Nyoman Sugihartini. 2019. "Pengembangan Jobsheet Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Dasar Berbasis Performance Assesment".

Kesiman, Made Windu Antara dan Gede Aditra Pradnyana. 2019. "Sistem Word Spotting untuk Indeksasi Koleksi Citra Digital Lontar Bali ".

Pradnyana, Gede Aditra, dkk. 2018. "Pengembangan Prototype Pengukur Detak Jantung Atlet Berbasis IOT".

Agustini, Ketut dan Made Windu Antara Kesiman. 2012. "Pengembangan Media Ajar Berteknologi Hypertext Untuk Perkuliahan Sistem Operasi Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Konsep Subak.".

Adnyana, Putu Budi, dkk. 0001. "EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN IKI".

No Tahun Masuk Strata Negara Universitas Bidang Ilmu Tahun Lulus Predikat
1 1 Oktober 2014 S3 Indonesia Universite De La Rochelle Computer Science 5 Juli 2018
2 1 Agustus 2007 S2 Prancis Universite De LA Rochelle Informatika 13 Januari 2009
No Tahun Masuk Strata Negara Universitas Bidang Ilmu Tahun Lulus Predikat
No Golongan Pangkat No SK Tanggal SK TMT TGL TERIMA SK
1 IVA Pembina 29405/S/07/2022 2 November 2022 1 Oktober 2022 23 November 2022
2 IIID Penata Tingkat I 49822/A2.3/KP/2018 26 Oktober 2018 1 Oktober 2018
3 IIIC Penata 183404/A4.3/KP/2004 22 Desember 2014 1 Oktober 2014
4 IIIB Penata Muda Tingkat I 0 00 0000 0 00 0000
5 IIIA Penata Muda 0 00 0000 1 Desember 2008
No Golongan Pangkat No SK Tanggal SK TMT TGL TERIMA SK
No Tanggal (Masuk - Lulus) Strata Negara Universitas Beasiswa Status Jenis Belajar
1 1 Oktober 2014 - 30 September 2018 S3 Prancis Universite De La Rochelle, Prancis Beasiswa Pendidikan Pascasarjana Luar Negeri (BPP-LN) Lulus Tugas Belajar
No Tanggal (Masuk - Lulus) Strata Negara Universitas Beasiswa Status Jenis Belajar
Riwayat Jabatan (Fungsional)
No Fungsional No SK Tanggal SK TMT
1 Lektor Kepala 19560/S/07/2022 26 Juli 2022 1 Juli 2022
2 Lektor 17/UN48/PAK/Kepeg/2013 1 Aprli 2013 1 Aprli 2013
3 Asisten Ahli 1030/H48/KP/2010 30 Oktober 2012 1 Desember 2010
No Fungsional No SK Tanggal SK TMT
Riwayat Jabatan (Struktural)
No Jabatan Struktural Unit Kerja No SK Berlaku Tanggal SK
1 Wakil Dekan I Fakultas Teknik dan Kejuruan 2436/UN48/KP/2023 7 Agustus 2023 s/d 31 Juli 2027 7 Agustus 2023
2 Kepala Badan Kerjasama dan Kehumasan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 819/UN48/KS/2023 1 Maret 2023 s/d 31 Desember 2023 1 Maret 2023
3 Kepala Badan Kerjasama dan Kehumasan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 1546/UN48/KS/2022 1 Aprli 2022 s/d 28 Februari 2023 16 Maret 2022
4 Kepala Badan Kerjasama dan Kehumasan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 1261/UN48/PT/2021 1 Maret 2021 s/d 15 Maret 2022 23 Februari 2021
5 Sekretaris Badan Kerjasama dan Kehumasan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha 1558/UN48/PT/2020 1 Juli 2020 s/d 28 Februari 2021 22 Juni 2020
6 Ketua Jurusan S1 Jurusan Teknik Informatika 44/UN48/KP/2013 3 Januari 2013 s/d 3 Januari 2014 3 Januari 2013
No Jabatan Struktural Unit Kerja No SK Berlaku Tanggal SK
No Status Ikatan Kerja Status Dosen Saat Ini TMT
1 PNS Aktif 1 Oktober 2018
2 PNS Tugas Belajar 1 Oktober 2014
No Status Ikatan Kerja Status Dosen Saat Ini TMT
Daftar Data Mengajar
Perlu diperhatikan riwayat mengajar dosen bersangkutan didapatkan dari sistem Shakuntala berdasarkan data SK yang masuk.
2020 GANJIL [0550116PKK1521] Bahasa Asing Profesi SKS 2.00 Kelas A
2020 GANJIL [0550216TIK1609] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GANJIL [0550216TIK1629] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GANJIL [3003] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GANJIL [3003] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas B
2020 GANJIL [3003] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas C
2020 GANJIL [1900] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GANJIL [1900] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 3.00 Kelas B
2020 GANJIL [1900] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 3.00 Kelas C
2020 GANJIL [1900] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 3.00 Kelas D
2020 GENAP [0550212TIK1227] Algoritma dan Struktur Data (Algorithm and Data Structure) SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GENAP [0550216TIK1621] Pemrograman dan Struktur Data SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GENAP [0550216TIK1658] Pengolahan Citra lanjut SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GENAP [845] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GENAP [3046] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2020 GENAP [3046] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas B
2020 GENAP [3046] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas C
2020 GENAP [3046] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas D
2019 GANJIL [0550116PKK1521] Bahasa Asing Profesi SKS 2.00 Kelas A
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1629] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 1.50 Kelas A
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1629] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 1.50 Kelas B
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1629] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 1.50 Kelas C
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1629] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma SKS 1.50 Kelas D
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1642] Jaringan Komputer Lanjut SKS 1.50 Kelas A
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1642] Jaringan Komputer Lanjut SKS 1.50 Kelas B
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1643] Pengolahan Citra Digital SKS 1.50 Kelas A
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1643] Pengolahan Citra Digital SKS 1.50 Kelas B
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1643] Pengolahan Citra Digital SKS 1.50 Kelas C
2019 GANJIL [0550216TIK1643] Pengolahan Citra Digital SKS 1.50 Kelas D
2019 GANJIL [830] Matematika Diskrit SKS 1.50 Kelas C
2019 GANJIL [830] Matematika Diskrit SKS 1.50 Kelas D
2019 GENAP [0550216TIK1648] Sistem Pakar dan SPK SKS 1.50 Kelas A
2019 GENAP [0550216TIK1648] Sistem Pakar dan SPK SKS 1.50 Kelas B
2019 GENAP [0550216TIK1648] Sistem Pakar dan SPK SKS 1.50 Kelas C
2019 GENAP [0550216TIK1648] Sistem Pakar dan SPK SKS 1.50 Kelas D
2019 GENAP [845] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 1.50 Kelas A
2019 GENAP [845] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 1.50 Kelas B
2019 GENAP [845] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 1.50 Kelas C
2019 GENAP [845] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 1.50 Kelas D
2018 GANJIL [0550212TIK1230] Desain dan Analisis Algoritma (Design and Analysis of Algorithm) SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2018 GANJIL [0550116PKK1521] Bahasa Asing Profesi SKS 2.00 Kelas A
2018 GANJIL [0550216TIK1609] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2018 GANJIL [0550216TIK1609] Algoritma dan Pemrograman SKS 3.00 Kelas B
2018 GANJIL [0550216TIK1643] Pengolahan Citra Digital SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2018 GANJIL [0550216TIK1643] Pengolahan Citra Digital SKS 3.00 Kelas B
2018 GANJIL [0550216TIK1643] Pengolahan Citra Digital SKS 3.00 Kelas C
2018 GENAP [0550212TIK1227] Algoritma dan Struktur Data (Algorithm and Data Structure) SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2018 GENAP [0550216TIK1621] Pemrograman dan Struktur Data SKS 3.00 Kelas A
2018 GENAP [0550216TIK1621] Pemrograman dan Struktur Data SKS 3.00 Kelas C
2018 GENAP [0550216TIK1658] Pengolahan Citra lanjut SKS 3.00 Kelas A